
Solar power shingles and new Microsoft of the future

Many financial experts (managers of big international investment funds) believe, that within the climate change funds we may find the Microsoft of the future.
Solar power shingles, other solar technology, wind power turbines and hundreds of other ECO - sustainable business opportunities are entering the real world market.
Only in the US, many 'fresh' solar companies raised $702m of early stage venture capital funding (VC), compared with $181m in 2006. That means 387% rise in a year!
Other CLEAN ENERGY asset financing raised $54.5bn in a year.
Experts say, that this industry could sustain growth rates of over 20% per year for more than 20 years.

My personal comment: I am not really so interested in making money through investments, but what I could learn from that financial facts is, that 'the big money guys' have already entered the solar shingles market, and that means it all be even more interesting, powerful, exciting and Eco-friendly to our nature - to ourselves. That is a good news.

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