
Destiny of Solar Power is up to the Wiser President

We are in 2008.
President Bill Clinton had started initiative about one million solar roofs in 1998. Next president George W. Bush, well known as a 'great Oil Lover' and hair of oil empire, has managed to stop all planes about making the country energy independent by using renewable energy sources. He has managed to stop the whole new renewable industry branch to be developed and tens of thousands of new well paid jobs to be created. Tens of $billions of additional revenue could have been earned by export of these new renewable technologies and products.
President Bush simply loves oil and all he knows is oil at the record oil prices, still heading towards $200 per barrel, due to his very successful war policy round the world.
It is ridiculous that such a great country as is America (USA) does not have a controlling institution capable to restrain President's catastrophic policies considering his own country.

Following video shows application of solar panels in creation of solar power roof.

'how simple, powerful, reliable and cost effective it could have been...'

Video by tculhane Thanks!

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